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Monday, February 19, 2018

It's a movement!

Kitsap Accessible Family Events wants to spread the word that we are here. That we are a group that wants to help and grow the bond between our community and our special needs families. 

How can you help? We need people to start talking. Start telling others about our amazing events; Sensory Friendly Movies, Holiday Events, partnerships with local businesses, etc. We need to hear from you and know what you would like to see. 

If you are a business and want to open your doors to our families then please reach out to us at If you want to help make our events possible you can donate through paypal; *Please note that it is for KAFE when making a donation through Paypal. We also need volunteers at most of our events so if you would like to get involved please email us and let us know as we would love to have you and can provide certificate of volunteer hours.

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